Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nadina Boun - The Thinking Man, Paralysis by Analysis

I see you are doing a giveaway do you want to do that here as well, like a free copy? sure ;)

I see you are at #ian1, too.yes! http://www.independentauthornetwork.com/nadina-boun.html 
1. How did you come up with the idea for your book?

What inspired me was a conversation with my brother about some relationship issues that led to the first two rules in the book. The known man made rules of the drink and the ShagNquit. Then like hail, everyone had issues, drama and sensitivity that. They poured on me, which I thought could make up brilliant sets of rules that may apply to all of us as human beings with our fluctuating emotional train.
Hence followed the rules of The Thinking Man in a satirical short, including rules of the ego, love, sensitivity, loneliness and so on.

2. How long have you been writing?

I began writing poetry at 14. Then in 2000 I wrote two novels for fun that were never published. Lately I am working on shorts and plays as well as poetry. However, I will be revisiting the novels and one I began last year, a vampire book, for publishing. It will take a while:)

3. I see you like to poetry. Do you have a favorite poet?

I went to a French school so I am influenced by the old French drama playwrights and poets really, like LaFontaine, Baudelaire, Moliere and others, but I also like Shakespeare and William Wordsworth.

4. You do some graphic or web designs, is that for fun or profit. (Share a link if it;'s a business)

I got my web design certificate at UNLV this Sept., and I've only worked on two sites and my folio. But it helped me a lot with e-book conversions for publishing. I would like to do build more sites as a contractor, and would also like to expand to building phone apps in the near future.

You can check out my sites for samples.

5. Share something about your publishing journey, you went Indie. So many of us enjoy the control it gives us.

You know, I never really thought of publishing. Then lately, when I realized that my passion is writing, I thought that I could either keep my work rotting behind my pc screen or publish it. Since then, it has been a tough journey but I already learned a lot in terms of publishing and marketing. I also came to realize that other indie authors, like yourself, are not the competition but the helping hand we need for one another. I learned as well that art no matter its form is in the eyes of the beholder, just like beauty, so there is no such thing as bad art and I encourage every artist to believe in his/her work.

I have a poetry book coming out too, shortly, A Heartstorm, and will keep doing what I am doing.

Keep writing, as all say and mostly be patient and connect with others. This I think is the most important, otherwise, one would remain like a drop in the sea.

For long my friends called me little Shakespeare, but soon I have adopted my real name to start publishing.
I have been writing poems since a young age, then expanded into short stories, plays and fiction.
I am still learning, and I still make many mistakes. I like philosophy and analysis and so I keep a blog about commonsense nonesense ramblings on life's issues at
You can learn more about me on my
About page

Tiny Excerpt:

The thinking man, having experienced a troublesome morning after a certain shag, pondered on the existence of such rules, as ones to protect him from further troubles and misunderstandings. For it seemed what was meant to be a one night passing
pleasure, turned into a morning after hassle. He did not want to appear impolite nor rude, and yet he wished for a set of rules he could provide his passing ladies, without the need to verbalize his thoughts. Being the king of his own castle, he thus concluded, following his reasoning, the first rules of mankind’s opposites’ interactions, thus naming it the rule of the ShagNQuit.
He thought it helpful, if one could place a little alarm clock under the lady’s pillow, should she decide to stay the night, and hence upon the ringing of the chime she would awaken to the rules.
The rules of ShagNQuit
Upon the hearing of the chime, rules must be adhered to as set here-forth as the rules of this castle:

Read more or find the book at
Amazon (in print, ebook, and illustrated ebook), B&N, and Smashwords.

To win a free copy of her book leave us a comment here!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Angels Fall - Nora Roberts

I have to admit I saw the movie first and enjoyed it.

The ruggedly handsome and reclusive writer Brody, falls for the new woman in town, Reece Gilmore. Reece, is shrouded in mystery and just as reclusive as Brody, but throw in a good dose of paranoia.The mystery that surrounds her keeps the town gossips churning out ideas, is she running from the law, or maybe an abusive spouse?

Reece has her hands full keeping away the local men, including the bosses son, Lo. Reece, a trained chef, from out east settles into the town and begins slinging hash at the local diner after her car breaks down. Angels Fist is as good as anywhere since Reece is really on the road to nowhere. She is a woman running from inner demons that aren't going to let go of her easily.

The relationship between Reese and Brody evolves as a slow burn. It was touching to see two un-trusting, solitary people connect in a deep way.  Brody was is as gruff and forceful and cantankerous as he was respectful and patient. He seems to know when Reece needs a good kick in the pants to get her going. She has come to let fear rule her life and he is the man to help her shake that habit. Brody is the perfect fit in the wild, rugged surroundings of Wyoming.

Trauma can change people and not always for the better, what Reece lived through will scar her permanently and we watch in the novel as she takes baby steps back to normalcy. Like an icy lake, if we wallow in the past we will get frozen in it.Reece experiences survivors guilt, PTSD and a healthy and justified case of paranoia as she begins to doubt her sanity as strange things happen in the small town. .

While in Angel's Fist, Reece sees a murder or does she? With a history of mental problems, will anyone in town believe her when no body is found?

This was an interesting read and Being a nature girl myself, I loved the wilderness backdrop of the story. It seemed like the perfect place for Reece to regroup and take her life back.

I liked it better in than Montana Sky. I felt the characters in that story were cookie cutter and stereotypical to the extreme. 

My favorite line: Half full, half empty, what the hell difference does it make? If there's something in the damn glass, drink it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tanya Contois - Wicked Little Lies

It always exciting to get to introduce a new writer! Tanya Contois is a writer and book blogger. She joined me for a brief interview.

What is your favorite genre of books? 
I'll read pretty much anything but my least favorite genre would have to be science fiction.

What do you do in your spare time?
I spend a lot of time with my mom and I cook occasionally. I make a great homemade mac and cheese, meatloaf and cheesy mashed potatoes.

How long have you been writing? 
I've been seriously writing for the last 6 months. 

Why do you review books?
I enjoy reviewing books because there are so many great authors out there to discover.

What Genre are you writing? 
My works in progress are paranormal with a little romance thrown in. 

Check out the synopsis for Wicked Little Lies!

Jocelyn has just turned 18 but instead of having the big celebration she was looking forward to for so long she finds out that not only is she not fully human but the people who raised her aren’t her real parents. Instead of staying to listen to her parents’ explanation she takes off and ends up going to live with her biological parents Jacoby and Adeline. Jocelyn quickly makes new friends and gains a potential boyfriend named Sonny but things are far from safe when Kane, another cambion makes his presence known.  Now Jocelyn is left with many questions but few answers. What does the future hold for her and will she end up with Sonny? Only time will tell.

Tanya Contois author bio:

Tanya Contois was born in Worcester, Massachusetts. After living in a few different small towns she moved back to Worcester in 2008. In 2010 she created the Facebook page All Things Books http://www.facebook.com and the blog All Things Books http://speedyreader-allthingsbooks.blogspot.com. Tanya Contois got her first taste of success when a short story she wrote was chosen to be in an anthology to be published by Firefly and Wisp publishers. In October 2011 she signed with Trestle Press and is currently working on Wicked Little Lies and a full length novel titled Cloaked in Darkness.
Coming soon. Wicked Little Lies part 2.